Councillor for Division 2 is ignoring the needs of the area
“If you speak to the residents of Bentley Park and Edmonton the overwhelming majority will tell you that their primary concerns are for their jobs and their children,” Mrs Dall’Osto stated.
“Voting to stall a project which will provide jobs on such a large scale to an area in need of employment options is a big mistake. Knowing it also means the potential loss of a venue for these residents to see their children perform at Awards Nights, school productions and Eisteddfods makes these past few weeks a real disappointment.”
Mrs Dall’Osto said that the area is still unsure of the venue itself and a cohesive vision of the Precinct from the entire Council is the only way to address those concerns.
“There are many people still needing assurances that this is affordable and is in the right position but the majority of those concerns are due to the conflicting reports coming out of Council offices. Many are unaware that the financial details have already been scrutinised and assurances made that those numbers would not change when converted to the Business Case.”
“Councillors opposing need to visit the homes of the many tradespeople and families in Division 2 and tell them why they think a piece of paper with no additional information on it is more important than jobs.”
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Leigh Dall’Osto
26th October 2011
0435 450 783
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