Monday 11 July 2011

Cairns Regional Council must come clean!

This is not good enough Councillors. You have spent public funds and therefore the public does have the right to know the results of such dubious practices. Val you need to lead on this issue and move that the results be tabled..

1 comment:

  1. Cr Diane Forsyth wrote on my Facebook wall: The report is on the Council Website as part of Agenda Item 10 of the Finance and Administration Committee meeting to be held this Wednesday at Council Chambers. All welcome.

    Ross Parisi replied: Diane, wonderful news to read. Its a pity Val did not say this yesterday on her talk back segment on the local ABC. I am sure you well understand the political implications of what appears to the public as a lack of transparency and will vote to release the report in toto at Wednesdays meeting. In the meantime keep up your good work!


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